electric imp’s Technology


Electric imp provides two hardware form factors: a card and a soldered down module (see below). Each consists of a Broadcom Wi-Fi chip, Cortex M3 Processor and antenna.

Electric imp’s hardware form factors: the imp001 card (left) and the imp002 module (right)

The card has 6, the module 12 general purpose I/O pins which can be connected to an analog to digital converter, two digital to analog converters, digital input and output, pulse width generation, counters and several serial communication interfaces (3 UARTs as used for RS232 or RS485, 2 SPI and 2 I²C to connect more electronic functions such as memory or I/O).

Electric imp already sold several 100,000 of these devices for all kind of applications. Reference designs have been developed for many typical sensor and control applications and are freely available in hardware and software on electric imp’s website. This leads to short integration time for new designs. There is no special system development kit (SDK) necessary. Every imp card can be used for development. The complete development system comes from the cloud, only a browser is carrying out software development. Simple breakout boards are available to support the hardware side of the development process.

It takes two hours from receiving the hardware to controlling a LED from internet. That is the “Getting Started” project  for the software developers as described in electric imp’s website. All the developer needs is shown below. The USB cable is only for power supply.

The typical structure for systems based on electric imp (short the “imp”) consists of the imp hardware itself embedded in the device, the firmware running on the imp, the agent, which is a kind of pico virtual machine, together with the API (application programming interface) on the impCloud server (see below). The impIDE development system can access both, the imp and the agent, the impConsole which controls the programming process during production and impOverview, an use analysis tool. Each running imp has its own agent, and this agent has its own URL. Through this URL and the API apps on smartphones or tablets, software on PCs or own servers can communicate with the agent. The imp itself has its own operating system called impOS on which all programming of the real world interface takes place. There are standardized communication procedures between the imp and its agent.

Structure of imp together with cloud servers and apps

There is one interesting technical solution aspect. The imp doesn’t initially know which wireless network is the one to use and with which password. Electric imp has implemented an optical data exchange between a smartphone display and the imp (using a phototransistor) to initially set SSID and password of the intended wireless network. This process is called “BlinkUp” and exists as a generic app and it can be integrated in vendor apps.

The programming language is called Squirrel. Squirrel is a high level imperative, object-oriented programming language, designed to be a light-weight scripting language that fits in the size, memory bandwidth, and real-time requirements of applications like video games. It fits very well into the limited memory of the imp device and is also used for the agent software. The agent software runs on a virtual machine (VM), 10s of thousands on electric imp’s servers with complete resource management there.

The typical set up will allocate the real world part of the software (dealing with signals from or to the device) on the imp while the agent takes care of the internet communication.

electric imp’s Connectivity Platform


The Electric Imp connectivity platform (figure 11), featuring fully integrated hardware, software, OS, APIs and cloud service, makes it possible to effectively empower Assmann’s devices with intelligence, scalability and flexibility. Electric imp’s powerful connectivity solution does all the heavy lifting, freeing manufacturers up to concentrate on creating the best and smartest products and services possible.

  • Imp Hardware: The Electric Imp platform starts with the imp, a powerful WiFi-enabled processor module that can be integrated into your product and act as the gateway to the Internet, providing it with secure connectivity and a brain in the cloud.
  • Imp OS: The software foundation for the imp’s features and services that lets manufacturers and their software partners customize their device code to bring their product’s functions to life.
  • Imp Cloud: Electric imp’s cloud allows manufacturers to run agents – server side code that runs in a secure environment – that can be used to offload heavy tasks best performed by a server, and easily connect manufacturers’ products to anything with Internet access.
  • Imp Open API: Enrich manufacturers’ customer experience and build manufacturers’ business by developing enhancements like messaging, monitoring, and much more.
  • Imp BlinkUp: The proprietary Electric Imp setup solution, BlinkUp, integrates seamlessly into manufacturers’ apps, letting manufacturers and their customers connect products in seconds using just a smartphone or tablet. BlinkUp goes beyond just WiFi setup to connect and provision a new device in a single step.
  • Imp Services – IDE and Ops Console: Maintain software, push new code and features easily to devices anytime, and ensure that the manufacturers’ users always have the latest features. The Ops Console enables manufacturers to gain more insight into factory’s production lines and scale to millions of devices.

Electric imp’s connectivity platform

electric imp

Electric Imp have built and is still building a core connectivity platform within the Internet of Things through an innovative solution that delivers a powerful cloud service tied closely to leading-edge hardware, making it simple to connect devices to the Internet. Their unique WiFi-enabled solution dramatically decreases cost and time-to-market and is reliable and secure, empowering manufacturers and developers to manage and quickly scale their connected products and services to millions of users.
